

商品大王羅杰斯 - 金銀未升夠


羅杰斯表示,雖然標準普爾等評級機構未下調美國 AAA債務評級,但事實上,美國早已失去最高評級,因為美國現在是全球有史以來最大的債務國,美債最終會違約,只是時間問題,現階段儲局以新債冚舊債,只會觸發往後更大危機」。對於歐洲債務問題,羅杰斯估計一定會有人退出歐元區,而希臘快將出現違約。




Silver FutureMoneyTrends.com staff currently goes to four local bullion stores to purchase gold and silver. We have noticed that here in the U.S. physical silver is getting harder and harder to find, and when you do find it (typically online) you have to pay well over spot when you include the price along with shipping. With this type of physical supply crunch, it is hard for us to see silver having another significant pull back since many silver investors are fully aware of the long term supply issues and are also concerned about currency devaluation.

Fed Will Remain the Biggest Buyer of Treasuries The Federal Reserve will use its $2.86 trillion balance sheet to try and keep rates artificially low. Using the proceeds from maturing debt it currently owns, the Fed will remain the biggest buyer of U.S. Treasuries. The Fed could still purchase an average of 25 billion in U.S. Treasuries even without calling for a new round of quantitative easing. FutureMoneyTrends.com believes that the most likely scenario is that eventually the Fed will use the current Greek crisis as an excuse to aid the markets with more quantitative easing.

