
Bullion Coin and Proof Coin

上圖是Bullion Coin 或 Uncirculated Coin (2000 Australia 1 oz Dragon), 
而下圖是 Proof Coin (1995 Australia 2 oz Kookaburra)

"What is an un-circulated coin?"

Uncirculated means a coin has not had any wear, such as the wear a coin might experience when it is used in commerce. Handling a coin, as well as improperly storing a coin, can result in wear on the surface of the coin. This wear, even if very minor, will cause a coin to no longer grade uncirculated.

(Uncirculated Coin 不可有花痕, 而有花痕的新幣可以俾降級不可叫 Uncirculated)

What's a proof coin?

A newly minted proof coin is also Un-circulated, however it is the way it is made that causes a difference in appearance and qualifies it as a "proof". To understand this, let's look at how coins are made. Coins are produced when two dies strike a blank piece of metal with tremendous force. One die is engraved with the front (obverse) design for the coin. The other die has the back (reverse) coin design on it.

(Proof Coin 因為是用特別支術製造, 所以表面會滑如鏡, 而價格也會貴過 Bullion Coin. 因為Proof Coin 價格貴, 所以多數有禮盒和証書跟隨)

 澳洲銀袋鼠是 Royal Australian Mint 發行的銀幣。因為是限量發行, 而又年年有唔同的設計, 所以也好受收藏家歡迎 !

澳洲銀袋鼠是由1993年開始發行, 所以最舊的是1993年出的, 而發行量如下:

1993年 - 72,853枚
1994年 - 44,996枚
1995年 - 72,850枚
1996年 - 49,398枚
1997年 - 72,850枚
1998年 - 49,398枚
1999年 - 30,185枚
2000年 - 35,426枚
2001年 - 45,638枚
2002年 - 22,876枚
2003年 - 20,680枚
2004年 - 2006年 - 枚數不詳
2007年 - 15,000枚
2008年 - 20,000枚

